The protocol becomes Bosch MEV946. Because I had wanted to search for the inside of the unit, BMWs made everything work from the service port of the substrate though it was able to do reading from OBD Ⅱ and writing. The original cannot receive the torque feeling of low inside velocity region from the owner for 4.8L of V8. The vehicle did not synchronize with the movement of the accelerator and the improvement was demanded. It reads out data, and, first of all, the release of the speed limit. The majority are processed by 8bit composition (A part of vehicle is different) about the speed limiter and BMWs is released by making the numerical value FF. As for REV, it is a mechanism (entering of the fuel signal in the moment that exceeded original REV when the automatic car of BMWs improves REV from Ortoma DME and becoming the four-speed fixation). I think that it is a part of the protection function. There is no problem even if the manual car and the DSG type car change. The characteristic is changed according to the demand of the owner when DBW and accelerating and completion now. The owner of large satisfactory after it had changed.
DMEの書き換えによる効果は絶大です。風邪を引いたエンジン状態では補機類を見直しても100%の効果は得られません。RESULT MAGICは楽しい車作りに大きく貢献します。 The effect of rewriting DME is full.Even if accessories are reviewed in the state of the engine having caught a cold, the effect of 100% is not achieved. RESULT MAGIC greatly contributes to a happy car making.
OBDⅡコードについて About OBD Ⅱ code
たとえばP0100というコードであれば「 Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit Malfunction 」という意味でエアフロメーターの異常コードになります。
1=Emission management
2=Injector circuit
4=Auxiliary emission
5=Vehicle speed & idle control
6=Computer & output circuit
Parts that can in real time see vehicle information from OBD in the commercial item are sold well. When it is not understood what the code is even if the code of the self-diagnosis is seen, it is not significant though there is a product from which even the self-diagnosis code is seen in that, too. There is no multifunctional one in the commercial item there though a special self-diagnosis machine writes the code and the content. It becomes in the panic and it becomes measures not to become it when understanding ..OBD code.. basis in the product from which the code of OCD is seen. The OBD code is written by five digits. For instance, if it is a code named P0100, it becomes an abnormal code of Eafromatar in the meaning of " Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit Malfunction ". It comes to go to the shop that repairs by a feeling from of old and not to receive an enormous repair claim though it cannot be understood that details do not see the code table when even only the above-mentioned is understood. Does it shortly only have to be bought the self-diagnosis machine by the sense that buys the tommy and be provided with by any chance with the purchase of the tommy in the past because a generality and high self-diagnosis tool is sold by the auction etc. at a low price?Our company owns the self-diagnosis machine seen from domestic production to the imported automobile naturally and relieve, please.
たとえばP0100というコードであれば「 Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit Malfunction 」という意味でエアフロメーターの異常コードになります。
1=Emission management
2=Injector circuit
4=Auxiliary emission
5=Vehicle speed & idle control
6=Computer & output circuit
Parts that can in real time see vehicle information from OBD in the commercial item are sold well. When it is not understood what the code is even if the code of the self-diagnosis is seen, it is not significant though there is a product from which even the self-diagnosis code is seen in that, too. There is no multifunctional one in the commercial item there though a special self-diagnosis machine writes the code and the content. It becomes in the panic and it becomes measures not to become it when understanding ..OBD code.. basis in the product from which the code of OCD is seen. The OBD code is written by five digits. For instance, if it is a code named P0100, it becomes an abnormal code of Eafromatar in the meaning of " Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit Malfunction ". It comes to go to the shop that repairs by a feeling from of old and not to receive an enormous repair claim though it cannot be understood that details do not see the code table when even only the above-mentioned is understood. Does it shortly only have to be bought the self-diagnosis machine by the sense that buys the tommy and be provided with by any chance with the purchase of the tommy in the past because a generality and high self-diagnosis tool is sold by the auction etc. at a low price?Our company owns the self-diagnosis machine seen from domestic production to the imported automobile naturally and relieve, please.
DME of this vehicle cannot do the reading work from OBD Ⅱ by Bosch ME7.8.1. However, it comes to be able to write it from the outside by doing processing that has made up data. Because it is not possible to read it, ROM is removed from the substrate and read to read data in ROM that becomes basic data. ROM is 29F800 of AMD and thickly has 8M internal data to FFFFF though flies and flies it. Data is distributed as for the troublesome one it is serious that the change part sees a lot of change addresses though the pattern is simple. If data is understood, the address is registered by the memo function and the address is made to be able to jump. It doesn't reflect it in data though it searches for one respondent because this vehicle has stop REV. Piercingly to the change because the change data is a Bosch pattern and it doesn't take time. About three data can be made, a certain processing be done, and data be installed from the outside. When the return engine starts, the engine check lamp lights ROM to the substrate. This cannot take the correspondence with other units by certain with the imported automobile at once well, and should delete an error code that studies and is past. It went out of a special self-diagnosis machine to OBD Ⅱ coupler by about 20 pieces when the insertion error code was checked. With this, the engine check lights and it is natural. It still lights when thinking disappearing after everything is deleted by this. The study processing with all units is done at the end. The work is done for ten minutes and turning off finally. The engine sound obviously becomes light, stagnation disappears, and adhering of stepping, substitution, and ..endurance.. accelerator has improved though it goes up only by 3000 rpm when stopping because stop REV is the state as it is.
DME of this vehicle cannot do the reading work from OBD Ⅱ by Bosch ME7.8.1. However, it comes to be able to write it from the outside by doing processing that has made up data. Because it is not possible to read it, ROM is removed from the substrate and read to read data in ROM that becomes basic data. ROM is 29F800 of AMD and thickly has 8M internal data to FFFFF though flies and flies it. Data is distributed as for the troublesome one it is serious that the change part sees a lot of change addresses though the pattern is simple. If data is understood, the address is registered by the memo function and the address is made to be able to jump. It doesn't reflect it in data though it searches for one respondent because this vehicle has stop REV. Piercingly to the change because the change data is a Bosch pattern and it doesn't take time. About three data can be made, a certain processing be done, and data be installed from the outside. When the return engine starts, the engine check lamp lights ROM to the substrate. This cannot take the correspondence with other units by certain with the imported automobile at once well, and should delete an error code that studies and is past. It went out of a special self-diagnosis machine to OBD Ⅱ coupler by about 20 pieces when the insertion error code was checked. With this, the engine check lights and it is natural. It still lights when thinking disappearing after everything is deleted by this. The study processing with all units is done at the end. The work is done for ten minutes and turning off finally. The engine sound obviously becomes light, stagnation disappears, and adhering of stepping, substitution, and ..endurance.. accelerator has improved though it goes up only by 3000 rpm when stopping because stop REV is the state as it is.
FIAT MulltiplaのDMEデータの変更 Change in DME data of FIAT Mulltipla
オーナーに怒られますが少しマイナーな車のDMEセッティングです。DMEはMARELLI IAW 4EF.B4になります。MARELLIでは初期の頃のプロトコルになります。イタリア車は少し前まではMARELLIがほとんどでしたが近々の車輌はボッシュとMARELLIが混在して使用しています。さて作業ですが、海外で販売されているディーゼルはOBDⅡからの読み出し、書き込みが出来ますが日本に輸入されているガソリン車はOBDⅡからの作業は出来ませんでした。ならばユニットを分解しROMから直接読み込みをします。ROMはAMDの29F200でデータ量は車輌の仕様にしては結構あります。ほとんどのデータはWord構成で出来ており、点火Mapなどは簡単な係数を掛けると単純に見られます。ただここで問題が起こったのはチェックサム処理です。少し前のDMEですから総量あわせで可能かと思いましたが時間の都合もあり断念し後日、セッティング用にアダプターを段取りし再チャレンジです。昨日、日本橋にアダプターを探しに行きましたが無かったです。一昔前の日本橋なら探す場所も一杯あったのですが今は生理的に受け付けないショップに変わっています。
It is DME setting of ..minor.. Clma a little though the owner is angry. DME becomes MARELLI IAW 4EF.B4. It becomes an initial protocol in MARELLI. In an Italian car, MARELLI is most a little even ahead, and Bosch exists together to MARELLI and the vehicle shortly is used. Well, the gasoline car being imported by Japan was not able to work from OBD Ⅱ though the diesel sold in foreign countries was able to do reading from OBD Ⅱ and writing though it was work. Then, the unit is taken apart and it reads directly from ROM. ROM is 29F200 of AMD and considerably has volume of data for the specification of the vehicle. Ignition Map etc. can do most data by the Word composition, and when an easy coefficient is multiplied, are seen simply. However, it is checksum processing that the problem happened here. There is convenience at time, too and it abandons, the adaptor is arranged later for the setting, and the re-challenge though thought it is possible because it is previous DME a little by the gross weight putting together. It was not yesterday though it went to Nihonbashi to look for the adaptor. It has changed into the shop that doesn't accept in the physiology now though there is fully a searching place if it is Nihonbashi before the age, too.
輸入車の価格表を更新しました。 The price list of the imported automobile was updated.
Correspondence to a new model increased and confirm it, please.
Correspondence to a new model increased and confirm it, please.
AUDI PASSAT-R36データ公開 AUDI PASSAT-R36 data opening to the public
今日はR36のデータでROM内の開設です。車輌はPASSAT 5 20053.6 L V6 FSI DMEモデルはBOSCH ME9.1.1 FSIになります。この車輌はOBDⅡからの読み込みが出来ますからカプラにさしてまずは読み込みをします。ファイルサイズが大きく40分くらいかかります。読み出し後にツールをパソコンとリンクしてパソコンにファイルを落としエディターソフトでデータを編集します。いい加減なメーカーはここでデータを海外にメールで送り、帰ってきたものを車輌にインストールして終わりなのです。メールの送信・受信が出来るレベルですからユーザーレベルでも出来るのでこれでお金を取るのは疑問です。データの話に戻りますが、すべてを公開したいのですがこの業界はコピー業界ですから肝心なデータは公開できないのでお許し下さい。データはチェックサム処理の部分と点火Map、あとは適当に画面コピーしたものです。チェックサムは(総量合わせ)旧年式のDMEは全体量の総量合わせだけでしたから特別なソフトを使用しなくても足し算、引き算で出来ましたが、近々の車輌はブロック単位でチェックサムを合わせるので専用ソフトがないと出来ません。この車輌も専用ソフトで整合性をとってあります。点火時期は基本的に変更しませんが車両重量等を考慮し、踏み始めのトルクを出すための手段として3~5度位は進角する場合があります。データにはオフセットされた数値が乗せられていますので係数計算しながらデータを入力します。次にDBWと加速特性の変更です。Mapが数面あり整合性をとりながらデータを変更します。後は細かい変更を行いデータの全体的な整合性をとります。出来上がったデータを専用ソフトでチェックサムの処理を行いパソコンからツールにデータをコピーします。車輌にツールを持ち込みOBDⅡから書き込みを行います。書き込みは20分くらいです。読み込みと書き込みに時間差があるのはブロック単位で変更箇所だけ買い込みますから時間差があるのだと思います。書き込み後試乗です。オリジナルの状態は常にアクセルの遅れがあり乗りにくさを感じましたがGOLFの時にも記したように変更後はアクセルと車輌の動きがしっかり連動し乗りにくさは解消されています。次に全開走行ですがこれぞ3.6Lと思うばかりの加速感を感じるようになりました。Dレンジでフル加速するとアクセルを全開にした瞬間にフロントが浮きNAらしい加速が満喫できます。踏み続けるとREVに当たりシフトするのですが、全域でシフトまで加速感は落ちずシフト後も落ち込みが無くなり加速します。ハーフスロットルからのアクセルの反応もリニアになり楽しい車になったのは間違いないです。
It is establishment in ROM by the data of R36 today. The PASSAT 5 20053.6 L V6 FSI DME model becomes BOSCH ME9.1.1 FSI in the vehicle. This vehicle is piercingly to the coupler because it is possible to read from OBD Ⅱ and, first of all, is read. The size of the file is large and it takes about 40 minutes. The tool is linked with the personal computer after reading, the file is edited to the personal computer, and data is edited with the drop editor software. A negligent manufacturer ends by sending overseas data with mail here, and installing the one having come back in the vehicle. It is a doubt because it can do even at the user level because it is a level that transmits mail and can receive it that takes money by this.Data essential because this industry is a copy industry cannot be disclosed and forgive me, please though it returns to the story of data though I want to open everything to the public. The screen copy in suitability after part and ignition Map of the checksum processing. data There is no special software and it doesn't come because Kon's Kon vehicle matches checksum ..every the block.. though it was possible to do by addition and the subtraction because DME of the expression of ..checksum (gross weight match).. last year is only a gross weight of whole amount match though special software is not used. This vehicle also has taken the correspondence with special software. About 3-5 degrees have the Sscac situation as a means to put out the torque of beginning step in consideration of Unladen weight etc. though the ignition timing is not basically changed. Because the offset numerical value is put on data, data is input while calculating the coefficient. Next, it is a change in DBW and the acceleration characteristic. There are several Map and data is changed while taking the correspondence. A detailed change is taken and the overall correspondence of the doing data is taken now. Completed data is copied and data is copied from the personal computer onto the tool by processing checksum with special software. The tool is written from Ⅱ of bringing OBD in in the vehicle. Because only the part of the change ..every the block.. is bought by there is a time difference between reading and writing, I think that there is a time difference. After writing, it is a test ride. There is always a delay of the accelerator, and as for the original, after it changes as recorded at GOLF, the movement of the accelerator and the vehicle synchronizes firmly and it is canceled it is easy to get on though it felt it is easy to get on. Next, I came to feel the acceleration feeling of just the desire that this was 3.6L it is running of opening completely. The reception desk floats momentarily at the time of completely opened the accelerator when accelerating full with D cooking stove and acceleration that seems to be NA can be enjoyed. The acceleration feeling doesn't fall into the shift by the whole area, getting depressed disappears after it shifts, and it accelerates though it hits REV if keeping stepping and it shifts. Having become a car happy also for the reaction of the accelerator from the half throttle to become linear is correct.
今日は一日パソコン仕事でした。 It was personal computer work today during a day.
It tried to make the price list of the imported automobile in the morning today. Even if it is the same manufacturer for the imported automobile unlike the domestic production car, it is serious because it is necessary to produce the price list because the microcomputer specification of DME is different over according to a part of car case, engine, displacement, and grade.An Italian car is using a part of Marere though the majority are Bosch, and Siemens in the imported automobile. Bosch and Siemens are also the one named Bosch Siemens and become three classifications classifying it though are not reviewed the specification of Marere too much greatly. The product number is decided to Bosch and Siemens by internal MPU. Externals are read because internal MPU is different even if it is the same, and the writing method changes, too. MB doesn't have the reading mode from OBD Ⅱ for Bosch by the ME7 series in the typical example but there is a writing mode. Reading and writing cannot be done with OBD Ⅱ when becoming ME9 series. BMWs can work all from OBD Ⅱ since E46. However, it is read that M3 and 135,335 etc. of the E92 factions that the BMWs shortly and are the sports engines do Ripro as a dealer in a tool on the market, writes, and it is not possible to work. Protecting is completely multiplied and it is not rewritten even by the dealer that the communication work is not done as the BMWs headquarters.The charm of the car equipped with present M3 and 3.0L twin turbo is reduced by half. A new price list of the imported automobile is renewed on Monday.
BR-9 RESULTフルデュアルマフラー BR-9 RESULT Full dual muffler
It is a muffler sound of RESULT legacy BR-9. It made it to the video test when tight the condition cold though the muffler manufacturer dared to publish the sound after the warm-up. A basic volume in the same condition as the car inspection acquisition is as follows.
Idling: 36.1db
4500 rpm time: 81.5db I think that the test is 4000 rpm at the car inspection.
The maximum volume: 86.2db
It is a muffler sound of RESULT legacy BR-9. It made it to the video test when tight the condition cold though the muffler manufacturer dared to publish the sound after the warm-up. A basic volume in the same condition as the car inspection acquisition is as follows.
Idling: 36.1db
4500 rpm time: 81.5db I think that the test is 4000 rpm at the car inspection.
The maximum volume: 86.2db
MAZDAの技術力に拍手! It applauds the technology of Mazda.
It is very a gasoline engine and the compression ratio is 14.0. -- ..going out.. a terrible NA engine Mazda that this hybrid and the electric vehicle start surpassing it with the engine unit in the age dominated by one generation is ..wonderful one.. a word. However, I think that I become an engine to surpass swift sports and the FD2 Civic if it is possible to shake it to the sports idea by raising the displacement a little more. The engine is a regular gasoline specification the much more. It is re-applause. Having planned it with the piston thought to be a muffler layout of 4-2-1 and a specification for the race because the compression ratio is adjusted to 14.0 with the regular gasoline is also wonderful. I would like you to stuff until about 150 horsepower per liter go out. I want you to raise this engine with it no end by the age fee and continuous.
It is very a gasoline engine and the compression ratio is 14.0. -- ..going out.. a terrible NA engine Mazda that this hybrid and the electric vehicle start surpassing it with the engine unit in the age dominated by one generation is ..wonderful one.. a word. However, I think that I become an engine to surpass swift sports and the FD2 Civic if it is possible to shake it to the sports idea by raising the displacement a little more. The engine is a regular gasoline specification the much more. It is re-applause. Having planned it with the piston thought to be a muffler layout of 4-2-1 and a specification for the race because the compression ratio is adjusted to 14.0 with the regular gasoline is also wonderful. I would like you to stuff until about 150 horsepower per liter go out. I want you to raise this engine with it no end by the age fee and continuous.
When the event and our company come to a store, it is asked well , saying that "Isn't there sticker?". It is neatly. The colors are reds, money, white, and three colors. (Though there was blue in the past, too. )The enjoyment that can be pasted variously because it is made most by a high manufacturing method of quality and it is abundantly in one seat also the size is produced in the sticker.
MB CLS55K AMGのデータチェック Check on data of MB CLS55K AMG
It is a data composition quite different from E55K and SL55K though same DME of E55K・SL55K and the same engine, the same system, and Bosch is used. The considerable trouble though it is a region of the imagination whether such the data composition of the thing with a different vehicle concept is correct. A basic idea of the limiter and REV was piercingly even if there was a gap in the address because it was the same and was found without trouble. Stop REV was released and it finished it up in the specification that was able to taste the response when stopping. The performance degree goes up in the result, too and weary from beginning step is canceled. Getting depressed up to the velocity of the car when measuring it disappeared after rewriting though the power band also extended, an original peak power generation point was generated forward in 10Km, and power was downed there to the original gradually. The speed limit changes to 500Km.
It is a data composition quite different from E55K and SL55K though same DME of E55K・SL55K and the same engine, the same system, and Bosch is used. The considerable trouble though it is a region of the imagination whether such the data composition of the thing with a different vehicle concept is correct. A basic idea of the limiter and REV was piercingly even if there was a gap in the address because it was the same and was found without trouble. Stop REV was released and it finished it up in the specification that was able to taste the response when stopping. The performance degree goes up in the result, too and weary from beginning step is canceled. Getting depressed up to the velocity of the car when measuring it disappeared after rewriting though the power band also extended, an original peak power generation point was generated forward in 10Km, and power was downed there to the original gradually. The speed limit changes to 500Km.
本日はフルデュアルマフラーの撮影会です。 It is a photo session of a full, dual muffler today.
It is a photo session of a full, dual muffler of BR-9 (for BM-9) with the owner's vehicle check. The quality of externals etc. of the product must confirm you in the photograph of today though it thinks the performance degree of the muffler to be understanding from owner's blog. I think that the cost-effectiveness of the performance degree is high with this quality. The photograph is for BP-5.
It is a photo session of a full, dual muffler of BR-9 (for BM-9) with the owner's vehicle check. The quality of externals etc. of the product must confirm you in the photograph of today though it thinks the performance degree of the muffler to be understanding from owner's blog. I think that the cost-effectiveness of the performance degree is high with this quality. The photograph is for BP-5.
GOLF5 GTI 2.0LTSFIシャシダイデータ GOLF5 GTI 2.0LTSFI Shashidaidata
GOLF5 2.0LTSFIにシャシダイデータです。これは雑誌社とのコラボレーションで行いました。仕様はブースト設定値をオリジナルのピーク値に高回転まで慣らし、最大値はオリジナルのままです。点火は高回転での値が低いのでタービン対策のために少し進角しました。燃料Mapはオリジナルのままです。この車輌はトルクの立ち上がりが悪いのと、低、中回転にトルク間がないためDSGとのマッチングは決していいとは言えません。実際に試乗してみるとスムーズさに欠けるのがわかります。よくDSGのデータを変更すると言いますがそうではなくトルクの立ち上がりを早くし、フラットに持って行けばDSGは生まれ変わったような動きをします。ピーク値でブーストを上げず、加速時特性のみを変更して14.5Psアップですが、実用域の中間は20Psアップしています。ラインもトルク抜け部が無くフラットなきれいなラインに変化しています。重要なのはまずはこれを作るべきなのです。むやみにブーストだけ上げて50Ps上がりましたと言ったユニットはトルクが細く実用域でのDSGのぎくしゃく感は回避できないのです。この状態でサーキットテストしたドライバーはオリジナルでは国産のNA車も追いつけなかったがDME変更後は国産ターボ車に肉薄する出来上がりになっていると評価頂きました。このデータをベースにブーストを上げれば市街地からワインディング、サーキットまで使用出来る楽しい「GOLG」になるのは間違いないです。
It is Shashidaidata in GOLF5 2.0LTSFI. This was done by the collaboration with the magazine house. It accustoms to the high rotation, and the maximum value is original in an original peak ..boost setting value.. value. the specification Because the value in the high rotation is low, the ignition is Sscac a little for the turbine measures. Fuel Map is original. Standing up of the torque ..this vehicle.. is never said and the rotation cannot be never said between the torques that it is good while it is ..low.. ..bad one.. , the match with DSG because of not being. It is understood to lack smoothness when actually testing. DSG moves though it is said that the data of DSG is often changed as regenerated if it is not so, makes standing up of the torque early, and it takes it flatly. The boost is not raised by the peak value, only the characteristic is changed when accelerating, and the middle of a practical region has improved 20Ps though it is 14.5Ps improvement. The line is the torque omission part and has changed into a beautiful flat line, too. First of all, the important one should make this. When only the boost is excessively raised and it ..50Ps.. went up, the torque is thin and the said unit cannot evade the feeling awkwardly of ..practical region.. DSG. Under such a condition, after DME had been changed, it was evaluated that it became a completion that closed in on the domestic production turbo car for the driver who tested the circuit though the NA car of domestic production was not able also to catch up by the original. If the boost is raised based on this data to happy "GOLG" that can be used from the urban area to the winding and the circuit correct.
It is Shashidaidata in GOLF5 2.0LTSFI. This was done by the collaboration with the magazine house. It accustoms to the high rotation, and the maximum value is original in an original peak ..boost setting value.. value. the specification Because the value in the high rotation is low, the ignition is Sscac a little for the turbine measures. Fuel Map is original. Standing up of the torque ..this vehicle.. is never said and the rotation cannot be never said between the torques that it is good while it is ..low.. ..bad one.. , the match with DSG because of not being. It is understood to lack smoothness when actually testing. DSG moves though it is said that the data of DSG is often changed as regenerated if it is not so, makes standing up of the torque early, and it takes it flatly. The boost is not raised by the peak value, only the characteristic is changed when accelerating, and the middle of a practical region has improved 20Ps though it is 14.5Ps improvement. The line is the torque omission part and has changed into a beautiful flat line, too. First of all, the important one should make this. When only the boost is excessively raised and it ..50Ps.. went up, the torque is thin and the said unit cannot evade the feeling awkwardly of ..practical region.. DSG. Under such a condition, after DME had been changed, it was evaluated that it became a completion that closed in on the domestic production turbo car for the driver who tested the circuit though the NA car of domestic production was not able also to catch up by the original. If the boost is raised based on this data to happy "GOLG" that can be used from the urban area to the winding and the circuit correct.
本日はMB(W212)E350CDIのDMEセッティング It is DME setting of MB(W212) E350CDI today.
良くECUのチューニングメーカー(ショップ)が当社は点火の適正化、燃料Mapの補正、等々と言って「売り言葉」にしていますがディーゼル等はどうするのでしょうか?一昔前の「ミツビシ デリカ」ディーゼルは燃料Mapがありましたが当然点火Mapはありません。ベンツのCDIはDME内に点火や燃料Mapはありませんから上記のメーカーやショップはどうすることも出来ないはずです。今日、施工に行くショップの施工車も他車メーカーで一度書き換えたのですが、オーナーばかりではなく、依頼を受けたショップも「オリジナルと何も変わっていない!」とのことで当社に施工依頼が来ました。国内で検証もせず、ディーゼルのように点火や燃料Mapの無いDMEを施工するとすぐに嘘がばれるのです。「出来ないことは出来ない!」「当社では検証していない!」「商売だから検証もしていないものを売っている!」と正直に言えばいいと思いませんか?
What do the diesel etc. do though our company says the correction of making of the ignition and proper fuel Map etc. and is making the tuning manufacturer of ECU (shop)"Fighting words" well?Anything is not ..shop that received not only the owner but also the request.. ..".. batty though the construction car of the shop that goes also rewrote in today's construction once in another car manufacturer with the original. " The construction request came to our company. The lie comes to light at once when it doesn't verify domestically, and DME without ignition and fuel Map like the diesel is constructed. It is possible to be able ..".. to do surely. " Our company ..".. doesn't verify it. Business..verify..one..sell.Honest..say..think.
RESULT DMEの使用結果 Use result of RESULT DME
このエンジンはフォレスタ(SG-9)のエンジン内部です。90,000Kmを超えオーバーホールを実施することになりました。出来上がりの仕様はメインがオーバーホールで後はクランクシャフト、コンロッド、ピストンの重量合わせを行い、ヘッド周りはごく一般的な仕様にしEJ25ETで最強エンジンが出来ればいいと思います。但し、決して過激ではなく4.0Lクラスに迫るトルクフルなエンジンになればベストです。このエンジンは新車購入後にしばらくしてからですがRESULT MAGICを導入し、RESULT600を併用使用して現在に至っています。カムとメタル部はRESULT600の効果の結果です。ピストン及び燃焼室はRESULT MAGICの結果です。この結果を見るとオイルの絶対的性能保持が出来る活性剤と、安かろう悪かろうのECUではなく、数万キロ走行後のエンジンになっても新車時とほぼ変わらない状態を保持できるECUを選択するべきです。ノーマルECUも数万キロ走行後にエンジンを分解するとカーボンの塊状態であることは間違いないです。よく新車時はオリジナルのECUで「慣らし」を行いその後にECUを交換すると言いますが、それは正しいとは思えません。
This engine is an inside of the engine of Foresta (SG-9). The overhaul will be executed exceeding 90,000Km. The main is an overhaul and is now crank shaft, and it matches, the head surroundings are made a very general specification, and the strongest engine in EJ25ET thinks the weight of Conrod and the piston for it to only have to be able to do the specification of the completion. However, it is the best at all if becoming the engine of the full torque near at hand to not the extreme but 4.0L class. It has been arriving by using together this engine's introducing RESULT MAGIC after buying a new car though after a while, and using RESULT600 now. The cam and the metal are the results in the effect of RESULT600. The piston and the combustion chamber are the results of RESULT MAGIC. If this result is seen, it is necessary to select the new car and ECU that can maintain almost constant even if becoming an engine after it runs of not cheapness and badness but the activator that can maintain an absolute performance of oil and tens of thousands of kilos. When normal ECU also tears down the engine after it runs of tens of thousands of kilos, it must be the lump of the carbon. It doesn't seem to be correct though "Accustom" is often said at the new car that it exchanges ECU doing afterwards with original ECU.
MB C63AMGのDMEチューニング DME tuning of MB C63AMG
C63AMG that is highest peak of C class. It is MB though done by quality that is not only a performance but also indoor. I think that this car is a car that gets under the wheel still. Because gasoline MB cannot work from OBD Ⅱ, it becomes reading from the service port of DME and rewriting about DME. The troublesome one starts the engine once, reads from one, and will change the data. Ten work is needed when rewriting it five times. First of all, the speed limit is released about data. An original set value was changed to 350Km. Hysteresis is 6800 rpm every ..original data.. 7010 rpm. REV It goes like being original though stop REV is also revokable. If the calculation value is not understood, it is impossible respectively that the speed and REV change because different coefficient processing is done. The manufacturer that doesn't know the coefficient is not produced domestically and exists as the middle trader only of the installation of overseas data. Next, because fuel Map is not changed though it is ignition timing and fuel Map changes, and only ignition Map improves adhering of beginning step, it is 2-3 time Sscac. When it is insensible because coefficient + offset processing is done as for fuel Map and ignition Map, it is not revokable. Next, there are several though it is a change of DBW. The inconvenience happens and it becomes a safe fuel when changing only by one place. When accelerating as DBW changes, the characteristic is changed. The Map making suitable for driver's favor is important. The result becomes a specification that can enjoy AMG from beginning step.
C63AMG that is highest peak of C class. It is MB though done by quality that is not only a performance but also indoor. I think that this car is a car that gets under the wheel still. Because gasoline MB cannot work from OBD Ⅱ, it becomes reading from the service port of DME and rewriting about DME. The troublesome one starts the engine once, reads from one, and will change the data. Ten work is needed when rewriting it five times. First of all, the speed limit is released about data. An original set value was changed to 350Km. Hysteresis is 6800 rpm every ..original data.. 7010 rpm. REV It goes like being original though stop REV is also revokable. If the calculation value is not understood, it is impossible respectively that the speed and REV change because different coefficient processing is done. The manufacturer that doesn't know the coefficient is not produced domestically and exists as the middle trader only of the installation of overseas data. Next, because fuel Map is not changed though it is ignition timing and fuel Map changes, and only ignition Map improves adhering of beginning step, it is 2-3 time Sscac. When it is insensible because coefficient + offset processing is done as for fuel Map and ignition Map, it is not revokable. Next, there are several though it is a change of DBW. The inconvenience happens and it becomes a safe fuel when changing only by one place. When accelerating as DBW changes, the characteristic is changed. The Map making suitable for driver's favor is important. The result becomes a specification that can enjoy AMG from beginning step.
ある車種のパラメーターリスト List of parameter of a certain model
A very important description is done by this parameter list. It is related to the knock control. When the knock enters, this vehicle is Ritarded 12.5 times. Ritard hangs disregarding ignition Map if the knock is generated even if the individual rewrites the ignition data though Ritard is not only a knock condition. The vehicle shortly is making to high compression and Ritard is corrected disregarding Map when the ignition is raised from the original or the fuel is squeezed. It increases and decreases when the data making that the fuel comes off from the water temperature rise and the Amohi correction, too is done and it corrects it to an empty Mo ratio of the target.
A very important description is done by this parameter list. It is related to the knock control. When the knock enters, this vehicle is Ritarded 12.5 times. Ritard hangs disregarding ignition Map if the knock is generated even if the individual rewrites the ignition data though Ritard is not only a knock condition. The vehicle shortly is making to high compression and Ritard is corrected disregarding Map when the ignition is raised from the original or the fuel is squeezed. It increases and decreases when the data making that the fuel comes off from the water temperature rise and the Amohi correction, too is done and it corrects it to an empty Mo ratio of the target.
こんなユニットがあるんです。 There is such a unit.
This unit is a development unit for accord (CL-7). It is what turns at that time at the time of be put the vehicle on the market, turned, and our company obtained. The car manufacturer is developing with such a unit. Because this unit is in real time revokable data, and has the emulator function in ROM, the data making can be in real time done while multiplying by the engine bench. Because the immobilizer seems to register automatically naturally, any vehicle can be tested. This unit might be carried about and development check it if the inconvenience went out to the vehicle at that time. It is also correct that the data accumulation of CL-7 had been made the best use of for FD2. It is secret why such a unit was in our company.
デンソーユニット内データ Data in DENSO unit
MPU of Toyota uses Motorola, Inc. (Though there seems to be other companies about a part of model, too), and uses MPU of Hitachi for other manufacturers though is supplying DENSO by Toyota Subaru Mazda now. 8bit, 16bit, and IEEE754 are combined with data processing combining it. 16bit and limiters become IEEE754 the ignition with 8bit (A part of model is excluded), and the control of a basic ignition and the fuel other than the fuel system. As for Foresta of SG-5, everything is processed with IEEE754. All were 8 thebit compositions at the GDB Impreza. As for the legacy and RX-8 since BP, the mechanism that the performance is not greatly obtained by igniting and changing the fuel is attention. When a high water temperature and the knock phenomenon, by the change etc. are generated, the correction is done compared with target Amo even if the ignition and the fuel in data are changed with basic ignition and basic fuel Map, and the worst, original performance is not obtained. The risk of damage doesn't escape if it doesn't greatly note it though the tool that can be rewritten at the user level will shortly be sold. Such a tool is not what the shop and the manufacturer use it. There was a bug in data, the engine check did not disappear, it also was refused also by the dealer, it was said that the shop that had rewritten it was an uncertain cause, and was perplexed the other day of the user when the data of the user who rewrote it with the tool was read. What does it do if it is you if everything is called a self-responsibility?The image below is conversion of 8bit into IEEE754. The speed limit has been changed to 500Km.
今日のセッティング車輌は「2.2L 16V JTS」になります。DMEはボッシュのME7.6.1でOBDⅡからの書き込みモードはありますが読み出しモードがなくユニット単体の読み出しを行います。サービスポートがないのでDMEのカプラピンからの読み出しです。オリジナルは低中速にトルクがなくDSGとのマッチングもいいとは言えません。ALFAはデータの変更箇所が多く時間を有します。変更後は全体的にトルクが上がり、DSGの反応がすこぶる良くなりシフトのタイムラグが大幅に軽減されました。これが本来のALFAではないかと思います。
今日の晩ご飯 Today's evening meal
焼き鳥好きでお近くの方は一度行ってみる価値はあります!!Tel 072-993-9999 PM5:30~
It is "Toriichi " of the yakitori shop that always goes. the place It is about three minutes in JAPAN Osaka Yao on foot from JR Yao. Maybe, I think here to be top of Japan Ya coming Tori shop.This is delicious though it is first thrusting out. It is the enjoyment to go because it is the day. Encouraging the goodness is "Mind (heart). " though it is a yakitori of the main. The expert orders the salt though eating by the drip is also delicious. The body ..yakitori.. comes firmly skilled by the thickness of meat. The attaching sleep is an article with which good of the bird is firmly blocked, too. The triangle is favorite bird articles not collected though there is variously side menu, too. This cannot be tasted about there in a near yakitori shop. Porridge of rice and vegetables are recommended winter. Porridge of rice and vegetables after the bean curd boiled in water are delicious dishes. The bird soup and the combustion rice ball are good to tightening. It is worth going once. near a favorite yakitori it
パソコンのチューニング Tuning of personal computer
現在、仕事で使用しているパソコンがデスクトップ以外にラップトップで4台あります。パナソニックのCF-J9、acerの3820T-N52B、lenovoのX61、IBMのX31、X31とX61はスペックには問題があったのですがWindowsXPでしか動作しないソフトを使用しているため不満がなかったのですがX61はついでにチューニングしました。内容はハードディスクをSSDにし、メモリーを4G、OSをWindows7 32bitからWindows7 64bitに変更。意外と32bitから64bitの変更は問題なく出来上がり、ドライバーの問題も出なかったです。なぜか32bitでフリーズしていたソフトも64bitの方が安定して動いています。非力なX61はSSDドライブにして大正解です。データを見るときのExcelの起動がすごく速くなりストレスがなくなりました。旧世代のCPUなのにcorei7のHDDモデルよりも動きが速いです。こんな話は当たり前の話なのでしょうが、すべてのチューニングが終わったときに少し感動があったので書きました。
Tuning of personal computerFour personal computers that use it on business are laptop and exist besides desktop now. Did the tuning of CF-J9 of Panasonic, 3820T-N52B of acer, X61 of lenovo, and X31, X31, and X61 of IBM of X61 incidentally though there was a problem in the spec though it was satisfied because the software that operated only by WindowsXP was used. The content makes the hard disk SSD, changes the memory, and 4G and OS are changed from Windows7 32bit to Windows7 64bit. The change of 64bit was unexpectedly completed from 32bit without trouble, and driver's problem was not brought up either. 64bit moves with stability in the software freezed with 32bit why. Incompetent X61 makes to the SSD drive and is a Taishou era solution. The start of the Excel when data was seen was lost and the quickening stress was terribly lost. Movement is faster than HDD models of corei7 though it is old generation's CPU. It wrote because there was a little impression when all tunings ended though such a talk might be a natural story.
直ってきました! It came soon.
This is an adaptor that reads and writes DME of the imported automobile. It works from the service port of the unit substrate about a part of BMWs and MB (Mercedes) with this adaptor because it is not possible to read from OBD Ⅱ, and to write it though the majority can be read and written from OBD Ⅱ in a present vehicle. The pin is damaged at once when it makes a mistake in use with very delicate parts and a lot of money is needed to repair.
MPISの製作工程 Production process of MPIS
It works with a special sleeve of connecting wires and a special tool to wire surely. The photograph above occupies the sleeve with the tool. It becomes a vaginal synovitis when there is considerably a volume of shipments. It is wiring for an inside photograph. Wiring is built in in the ignition order. The photograph below becomes the photograph after it wires. Brown positions and yellow is positioned on the harness side on the ECU side. The vehicle without a special harness becomes in the ECU harness and it becomes direct wiring. It makes a fine show for the end and when assembling working to become it, wiring is doing completion of the Thai lap stop. loss
ランボルギーニのセッティング Setting of Lamborghini
It is setting scenery of Lamborghini though it is a material in old times. It is not EPROM of 28pin at that time though is ROM, the conversion adaptor is made for that, and it does. The serious one has two units ..there is DME ..Hira bank..... It varies if the emulator and two personal computers are needed for the communication with the personal computer and it doesn't rewrite it at the same time naturally.
本日、ブログを開設しました! The blog was established today.
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